Category Archives: clay

Maryhill and Blueberries

I know, it’s been ages since you’ve heard from me!  Lots has happened in the past several months — new ideas, new firings, and lots of new pots!  Plus a new camera to better show them to you (I think … Continue reading

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Filed under clay, firings

Too early for swimming

Just a quick post to share this photo with you.  On a somewhat gloomy Saturday morning I took this pot to the park to take some photos — hoping for something more interesting than typical studio shots.  I ended up … Continue reading


Filed under clay

Fall and Winter 2011

Yes, I’m a terrible blogger. Haven’t posed anything in a year. I’ve actually had some posts in mind, and even half-written, just haven’t managed to get them finished and posted.But first, let me catch you up on the past year. … Continue reading

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Filed under clay, decisions, ideas

ice + clay = bad

I’ve heard that it’s bad to let clay freeze. It doesn’t get that cold in Portland very often so it’s never been an issue before. Let me just settle any doubts in anyone’s mind. It is bad to let clay … Continue reading

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Filed under clay, snowpocalypse